About the Journal

LPPM STEBIS Bina Mandiri published the Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Keuangan (JMBK) in 2019. JMBK is published 2 (two) times a year, April and October. The deadline for submitting articles for the April issue is February 28, while the deadline for the October issue is August 31. Articles submitted after that date will be published in the next issue. To maintain the quality of the journal, JMBK only publishes 10 (ten) articles in each issue.

JMBK only accept articles that have never been published and uploaded in other journals. JMBK welcome academics and practitioners in management and accounting, both conventional and sharia, to submit and publish in JMBK.

Since the first issue, April 2019, JMBK has been committed to implementing a double-blind peer-review process to maintain editors' and reviewers' objectivity towards submitted articles. Articles are accepted solely based on the decision of the editor and reviewer, which is final.

JMBK articles are indexed by Google Scholar, Indonesia Onesearch, Garuda, and Moraref. JMBK has been a member of Relawan Jurnal Indonesia since 2021. Therefore, since that year, all articles published by JMBK have a DOI number.