Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Urang Kanekes (Baduy) untuk Ketahanan Pangan Masyaraat dan Kontribusinya untuk Ketahanan Pangan di Kabupaten Lebak dan Provinsi Banten


  • Muhammad Nur Fahruqi Perencanaan Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia
  • Jossy Prananta Moeis Perencanaan Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia



food security, field farming, local wisdom, rice barns, food availability


For indigenous peoples, agriculture is still the basis of their lives. However, for the Kanekes people, agriculture is usually used as a ritual to worship their beliefs, so it becomes local wisdom that is the forerunner to the food security of the Kanekes people. This research aims to determine local wisdom, a determining factor in Urang Kanekes (Baduy) food security, and its contribution to food security in Lebak Regency and Banten Province. Using a mix-method for a qualitative approach to Urang Kanekes' local wisdom, producing the central system of huma rice farming, which is stored in Leuit, is local wisdom that plays a role in food security, and apart from farming, he sells honey, durian, brown sugar, and becomes a tour guide who visits Kanekes. The quantitative approach uses regression with Lebak Regency and provincial-level data. First, panel data regression for 28 subdistricts in Lebak Regency for 12 months from 2020-2021 shows that Leuwidamar Subdistrict, where Urang Kanekes is located, has a higher rice stock than the average for other subdistricts in Lebak Regency, for every month throughout the year. Second, multiple regression was applied to 4 food indices (security, availability, affordability, and usefulness) with data from 8 regencies/cities in Banten Province between 2018-2021. The research results show that local wisdom through farming and storing it in barns is an essential pillar of food availability for a community, in this case, the Urang Kanekes community, where food security at the community level will contribute to subsequent levels up to the national level.


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