Penerapan Model EPIC Short Film “Tenang” terhadap Brand Awareness Kanal YouTube Yura Yunita
model EPIC, brand awareness, YouTube channelAbstract
The rapid development of digital technology has had a significant impact on various aspects of life in Indonesia. One of the websites frequently visited by Indonesian people is YouTube, where this platform offers a wide variety of video content that can be enjoyed by the public. Currently, an increasing number of music videos in the form of short movies or short films are uploaded to YouTube. In line with this reason, one Indonesian singer who shares a short film as one of her music videos is Yura Yunita. The short film, released on November 29, 2018, on Yura Yunita's YouTube channel, has been viewed by up to 2.2 billion viewers as of March 6, 2023. Enhancing the effectiveness of content based on the communication impact generated will increase the number of subscribers to the YouTube channel. Research results show that the Model EPIC in the short film content "Tenang" has an influence on the presence of Yura Yunita's YouTube channel. The partial influence of the Model EPIC dimensions, with the greatest influence, is the impact at 65.5%, while the simultaneous influence of independent variables' influence is 71.8%, with the remaining 28.2% being influenced by other variables not studied in this research.
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